Robert Getz DDS PA

Dentist Office In Lauderhill, FL
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4962 N University Dr,
lauderhill, FL 33351
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Robert Getz DDS PA Dentists

DI Rating 9.5


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Patient Reviews

By: Pat Schilz
on June 29, 2022

I had a lower front tooth in which the top broke off. At Bagnell Dental Clinic, Dr. Margaree Lachowiez, is the one who examined it and determined it needed a crown. Once the crown was ready to be placed, it was not the same as the original tooth. It sticks out too far from the adjoining teeth and is much lower than the other teeth, it also has a big gap in the back of the tooth. It looks absolutely awful and fake. I expressed my dissatisfaction with the tooth (basically its placement). They tried to say that it was because of my bite. But it didn\'t even look like the original tooth. I am very unhappy with the tooth and the fact they didn\'t try to resolve the issue or come up with a solution. I would not recommend this dentist.

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