Radiant Smile

Dentist Office In Evanston, IL
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1632 Maple Ave,
Evanston, IL 60201
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About Radiant Smile


General Dentistry


English Chinese


12:30 PM-8:30 PM
1 12:30:00 20:30:00
12:30 PM-8:30 PM
2 12:30:00 20:30:00
1:30 PM-10:30 PM
3 13:30:00 22:30:00
12:30 PM-8:30 PM
4 12:30:00 20:30:00
12:30 PM-8:30 PM
5 12:30:00 20:30:00
12:00 PM-7:00 PM
6 12:00:00 19:00:00
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Radiant Smile Dentists

DI Rating 9.6


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Patient Reviews

By: A Hsu
on September 11, 2015

My 7-year-old daughter had a silver cavity filling that kept falling out and her regular dentist recommended us to put a cap on her tooth as a fix. The cap (a crown for kids) is made out of stainless steel and her entire tooth would be covered with it. I really wasn't sure if it was really necessary (wondering if this would cause her to have more sensitivity issue inside her month, how to keep it clean, and does that mean she would have to undergo a baby root canal?), so I decided to go to Dr. Chen for a second opinion. After taking a look, he didn't think a cap was necessary and a simple filling procedure was all it needed (what a relief!). Our original appointment was only for a consult so he didn't have time right then to proceed with the procedure as his next patient had already arrived, but he told us it'd be okay for us to come back in an hour (we later found out that he actually kept his office open extra late for us so my daughter could be taken care of that day and we could save a trip back). We are so grateful for Dr. Chen as he was not only very tentative to my concerns as a mother but also had a way to really make my daughter comfortable and calm during the whole process (even when giving her shots). He was very professional and explained everything he did to us so we would understand what caused the problem and how he was fixing it so it won't happen again. We even asked Dr. Chen to fix/re-do another cavity for my daughter to avoid similar problem in the future. Thank you Dr. Chen for such honest, professional, comforting and assuring experience and I am so glad that I don't have to worry about my daughter's cavities falling out again.

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