Apeakorang Peter A Md

Dentist Office In Brooklyn, NY
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1763 Rockaway Pkwy,
Brooklyn, NY 11236
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Apeakorang Peter A Md Dentists

DI Rating 6.7


How Patients Feel


Patient Reviews

By: Anonymous
on December 22, 2016

I was a first time patient. My first issue is with the front desk. Why ask us to fill out information on ZocDoc and then ask us to fill out the same exact form in the office? That's very annoying and pretty counterproductive. I liked my assistant who saw me at first (she was very warm), but the dentist was so short and dismissive with me and my questions. I became a tad unsure about how hygienic they are because i did not see any sterilization tools around the office (which i didn't realize until AFTER my teeth cleaning process began). I read the reviews here, so I expected a great experience. Overall, it was "ehh..." He wanted to break up my session into two parts although i asked him not to (i felt it was for insurance purposes). After the first session, i decided I will not return for the second.

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