Henry Korn Dds

Dentist Office In Brooklyn, NY
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1516 Voorhies Ave,
Brooklyn, NY 11235
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About Henry Korn Dds


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Henry Korn Dds Dentists

DI Rating 8.9


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Patient Reviews

By: Marina Chelsea Caines
on May 11, 2018

Dr. Hasson and his office staff are literally the best thing that had happened to me since my now 10 year old was born. Dr. Hassan provided accurate diagnostic and treatment plan for every condition she ever had over the past 10 years, ranging from muscular skeletal deficiencies to specific neurodevelopmental learning disabilities. He is also compassionate and always knows how to make you feel better (as you can imagine if your child requires a neurologist, you are most likely scared and frustrated as a parent already). His office staff is extremely knowledgeable and the office has a trendy calming atmosphere that we love. Dr. Hasson will work closely with your school officials to make sure your child gets the best accommodation possible based on the child's needs. You will never feel rushed or unwelcome. Best doctor and office staff ever!

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