Ludmila Lukovsky

Dentist Office In Brooklyn, NY
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1101 Flatbush Ave,
Brooklyn, NY 11226
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Ludmila Lukovsky Dentists

DI Rating 6.4


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Patient Reviews

By: Tiesha Hood, CFE
on June 26, 2018

Dental hygienist/assistant by the name of Svetlana Simtsraya (female with blond hair) is very unprofessional and rude! She was physical abusive to my 5 year old daughter today during a routine cleaning exam. She shoved the back of my daughter’s head forward and pushed her in the chest with her finger when my daughter spit up the fluoride treatment. After I complained and told the hygienist/assistant her behavior was unacceptable, she refused to let us leave saying my daughter can’t leave until the treatment was completed. This is professional misconduct and I will be filing a complaint. DO NOT take your children to this dentist!!! I repeat DO NOT go to this dentist office!

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