Peter A Costalos DMD PC

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466 Bay Ridge Pkwy,
Brooklyn, NY 11209
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Peter A Costalos DMD PC Dentists

DI Rating 10


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Patient Reviews

By: Connie R.
on January 9, 2020

I have been searching for a permanent dentist for a long time. Some had bad communication skills, some had technicians with bad attitudes, and some were clearly in dental care for the money. I discovered that Dr. Forbes had taken over for a previous dentist that I had seen before, (I had developed Sjogren\'s Syndrome and the previous dentist had no knowledge of what it was). Dr. Forbes is absolutely marvelous. I have lost a few teeth from the Sjogrens, and we discussed how to address that issue. I had really old crowns that needed replacing because of decaying and infection. The new crowns look so natural that I don\'t mind smiling anymore. I am scheduling to have two more done. The old material used twenty some years ago for crowns had its weaknesses in appearance and stability. I am confident that Dr. Forbes will be my permanent dentist going forward. His staff is warm, welcoming, knowledgeable and personable. They make you feel like extended family members.

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