Dominique F Juste DMD

Dentist Office In Brooklyn, NY
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3400 Snyder Ave Apt 1B,
Brooklyn, NY 11203
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8.4 Out Of 10

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Dominique F Juste DMD Dentists

DI Rating 9.4


How Patients Feel


Patient Reviews

By: Sunset Moth
on August 15, 2018

The staff is very friendly. They work quickly and painlessly, and I didnt receive any snide comments about the state of my teeth. I also like that it is local - which makes it easier than travelling all of the way into the city. But, the office is nestled into the side of a building, so it can be difficult to spot for first time visitors. Unfortunately, all of the rooms are interconnected, and I had to walk past another patient mid-procedure to get to my room. Since they make their own prices, it is more expensive than other dentists as well. But overall, I had a good experience here.

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