Perfect Smile Dental Arts

Dentist Office In Brooklyn, NY
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185 Montague St,
Brooklyn, NY 11201
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Perfect Smile Dental Arts Dentists

DI Rating 9.6


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Patient Reviews

By: Jeff Colon
on December 7, 2017

Where to begin... Like many people I have a healthy fear of going to the dentist for a number of reasons: too long between visits, financial difficulties, avoiding the judgement of my neglect, and/or just the healthy fear of needles and any kind of machinery in or around my mouth.. Pick one and that would be enough to keep me away!! All of the concerns eventually come into focus the moment you HAVE to deal with a problem.. I was lucky to find a dentist with a personality and sense of humor. A dentist who actually explains what is going on, what we have to do, and why it is important that we do it. She doesn't overwhelm but instead makes it seamless and easy by putting you on a plan to address the problems. I have seen the benefits after each visit. I'm beyond greatful because I have rarely had this experience at previous dental offices. The staff mirror the Dr's qualities. Whether it's setting appointments or answering insurance related questions, they are friendly, genuine, and helpful. I plan on bringing the family to her going forward.

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