Kramer and Kramer Dental

Dentist Office In New York, NY
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2 W 45th St,
New York, NY 10036
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Kramer and Kramer Dental Dentists

DI Rating 8.9


How Patients Feel


Patient Reviews

By: Anonymous
on December 22, 2016

The office was nice, however the cleaning provided by Dr. Kramer was horrible! I floss several times per week (sure, not every day, but a good 4-5 times per week) and he was berating me for not flossing! Additionally, his cleaning was so aggressive that it left my teeth and gums hurting for two days after. I have been to numerous dentists that have, in the past, commented on how well I take care of my teeth (in my 30's with no cavities..) however Dr. Kramer treated me as though I never floss nor brush! I am promptly finding a new dentist..

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