Van Noy Tamira Dpm

Dentist Office In Brooklyn, NY
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1098 Liberty Ave,
Brooklyn, NY 11208
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About Van Noy Tamira Dpm


General Dentistry Periodontic Dentistry Prosthodontics Cosmetic Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry Endodontic Dentistry Sedation Dentistry Sports Dentistry Sleep Medicine Dentistry Emergency Dentistry Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery


Chipped Tooth Dental Disorders Tooth Discoloration Toothache Cavity Gingivitis Grinding of Teeth Gum Disease TMJ Tooth Abrasion Tooth Abscess Tooth Decay Tooth Loss Tooth Demineralization Dental Crowding Dental Injury Dental Spacing Dental Trauma Misaligned Teeth Physical Disability Dental Bone Loss Tooth Attrition Impacted Teeth Tooth Avulsion Limited Tooth Movement Ankylosis of Tooth Canine Teeth, Absence Upper Permanent Clefting - Ectropion - Conical Teeth


Lower Dentures Porcelain Veneers Teeth Whitening Upper Dentures Composite Fillings Dental Inlays Root Planing Simple Tooth Extractions Teeth Scaling Dental Hygiene Services Teeth Polishing Non-Surgical Gum Treatment Tooth-Conserving Dentistry Same-Day Dental Crowns Same-Day Dental Onlays Invisalign®


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Van Noy Tamira Dpm Dentists

DI Rating 6.8


How Patients Feel


Patient Reviews

By: GK
on December 11, 2020

I\'ve lived in DC for a while and have had several dentists in that time. Dr. Kassam is hands down the best I\'ve experienced. The office feels welcoming and the staff are friendly. Dr. Kassam is also friendly and approachable, has a deep knowledge of best practices, and is super patient in answering my many questions. A few years ago, I came to her with a mouth in bad shape that needed a lot of work. She thoughtfully discussed the options for treatment, and together we agreed upon a plan. Since then, I\'ve been practicing better care of my teeth and gums and received the necessary periodic treatments needed, and I\'m pain free and very happy with my dental health. I have a toddler son, and she\'s great with him during his dental appointments, too. And the office has strong, clear COVID-19 policies and practices in place to provide for a safe and hygienic environment.

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