Deborah Kody Tabb

Dentist Office In Bethesda, MD
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10215 Fernwood Rd,
Bethesda, MD 20817
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About Deborah Kody Tabb


General Dentistry

Deborah Kody Tabb Dentists

DI Rating 8.6


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Patient Reviews

By: Trushar Dungarani
on March 30, 2016

Dr. Tabb did unnecessary dental work on my wife. Dr. Tabb claimed my wife had numerous cavities, unhealthy gums and a need for further procedures. After Dr. Tabb messed up an Onlay procedure, we went to get a second opinion. After seeing a dentist from the University of Maryland, we found out my wife never had any cavities in the first place, and didn't need any extra procedures besides a basic cleaning. She also did extra procedures on my wife that are only done on kids in rare situations. We paid a lot of money out of pocket. Dr. Tabb also didn't inform us about the extent of the procedures that needed to happen until she numbed her mouth up with lidocaine. The onlay procedure Dr. Tabb did for a tooth that was healthy is now a major problem for my wife and she has constant tooth pain even after trying to get it fixed with another dentist. An onlay is an outdated procedure that no one does any more. Dr. Tabb's office did refund some of our money only after filing a complaint with the Maryland Dental Board but my wife may have to live with the pain in her tooth unless she gets a more extensive procedure. Dr. Tabb seemed nice in person but we were deceived by her initial demeanor. Dr. Tabb is getting away with unethical practices and malpractice. As a physician, I would be terrified if anyone gets dental work done from her in the future.

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