Young Okeke

Dentist Office In Beaufort, SC
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1 Pinckney Blvd,
Beaufort, SC 29902
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Young Okeke Dentists

DI Rating 8.8


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Patient Reviews

By: Jessi Hang
on May 4, 2017

If you're looking for a dental office that herds patients like cattle, screws up your teeth and then makes zero attempts to fix the damage they've done, keeps your account credit and holds your records hostage so that a qualified dentist can't repair the damage they've done then you have found your new dentist. I came in at the end of January to have dental work done in preparation for a move overseas. I need to have A LOT of work done, but I trusted Beaufort Family Dentistry to do it right, BIG MISTAKE! At each subsequent visit I was shown to the chair and with an ear bud in Dr. Porcelli began working, hurriedly he fluttered back and forth between my chair and the chairs of patients in adjoining rooms. Again, I trusted that he knew what he was doing, although I hated no getting the undivided attention that I needed. After my second visit, one of the teeth that needed fillings(now two teeth), the easiest of all the procedures that I \"needed\" was extremely sensitive. I couldn't bite down on it, no water could get near it, I couldn't even brush that tooth without being in agonizing pain. I returned to the office in search of relieve; none was found. The pain remained so I visited another dentist for relief. He tried his best to alleviate the pain but the nerve was too irritated at that point. He stated the work was probably done too hurriedly and my enamel was damaged in the process, making sensitivity issues even greater. He stated that should the pain not resolve in a matter of a few days at most a couple weeks, a root canal would be advisable. I now have two teeth that didn't hurt before my visit with Beaufort Family Dentistry causing me constant pain. I have to take between 800-1000 milligrams of ibuprofen every day just to function. Who knows what issues have/ will arise from such dosages for such a long period of time. I have on multiple occasions reached out to the practice for assistance. Most recently in request of my records, so that my dentist here can see what was done & undo the damage. NOTHING. I have a credit do to me, NOTHING. I'm currently appealing the charges with my insurance company and working through them to prevent any other beneficiaries from suffering negligent treatment and unprofessional practices at the hands of Dr. Porcelli & Beaufort Family Dentistry.

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