Rinaldi Raymond DMD

Dentist Office In Middlebury, CT
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530 Middlebury Rd Ste 204A,
Middlebury, CT 6762
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Rinaldi Raymond DMD Dentists

DI Rating 6.9


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By: charlotte dude
on October 6, 2020

I have been seeing him for years, and he and his staff are great. I had started seeing another dentist due to insurance and every time I go there they find a cavity, this time several. I was able to go back to Dr. Mudd, and he gave me a much more sensible opinion that there was early indication of decalcifying, but it\'s something to watch at this point and just to keep flossing because there was still a lot of progression time before it really became an issue. What a difference from immediately diving into \"4 cavities\"

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