Payne & Boatner Pc

Dentist Office In Keller, TX
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1760 Rufe Snow Dr,
Keller, TX 76248
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6.3 Out Of 10

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Payne & Boatner Pc Dentists

DI Rating 6.9


How Patients Feel


Patient Reviews

By: Tina L. Waller
on January 24, 2019

As a Former Dental Assistant for 9 years, I know how it is for Patient to feel relax and confident when going to see a Dentist, this office is one that makes you feel Welcome & all that, as well as being very Professionally. Love Them!

DI Rating 5.2


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By: Stay in your lane
on May 15, 2020

My daughter and wife just came back from Dr. Callen\'s office in tears. My 5 year old just lost a tooth and was excited to go to the dentist, even though she has anxiety about doctors. My wife was not allowed to go back to the chair with my daughter to help comfort her. She sat through the exam but got scared when they tried to take X-rays of her teeth, and wouldn\'t let them do it. She wasn\'t trying to be mean or get attention, she\'s just an anxious 5 year old. As a pediatric dentist, I\'d hope Dr. Callen would be more nurturing and gentle to encourage a positive association with medical situation. But, to \"teach her a lesson\" I guess, Dr. Callen decided to take our parenting into her own hands and very deliberately remove the toy from the bag they give to all kids at the end of the appointment. It\'s not the end of the world, but it was just unnecessary and rude. If she didn\'t already dislike doctors, she does now. Dr. Callen, please leave the parenting to the parents.

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