Brett L Ferguson

Dentist Office In Kansas City, MO
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2301 Holmes St,
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Brett L Ferguson Dentists

DI Rating 6.2


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Patient Reviews

By: Robin Huey
on March 21, 2017

Dr.Ferguson is an arrogant egotistical jerk with a God complex. Even when I was in tremendous pain he refused services and any type of pain medicarion. He need to have his license revoked. He is also rude uncaring, combative. He saw exactly why I was in so much pain and refused to do ANYTHING to help. All he wantrf to do was argue, even though it was obvious a metal plate in my jaw was shifting and the screws were coming out he still refused to do anything stating that i would be fine because I was stable. Two months later saw a different specialist and had to have a complete mandible reconstruction. Ferguson was just lazy to even try it.

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