Mainstreet Children's and Orthodontics of Ft Myers

Dentist Office In Fort Myers, FL
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13195 Metro Pkwy,
Fort Myers, FL 33966
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Mainstreet Children's and Orthodontics of Ft Myers Dentists

DI Rating 5.7


How Patients Feel


Patient Reviews

By: Anon
on June 16, 2016

Dr. Small and hygienist Brandi are wonderful however the front office staff is horrid. If you make an appointment plan on them calling and rescheduling several times usually 3-4. They are so disorganized I almost feel sorry for them. They don\'t listen and half the time don\'t know what they are talking about. The Dr better make some changes otherwise her staff is going to ruin her business and she will have a bad rap. I won\'t go back unless those changes are made and I was a patient for years.

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