Lawrence Scott Holmgren

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1004 Medical Park Blvd,
Edmond, OK 73013
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Lawrence Scott Holmgren Dentists

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By: Anthony Myers
on December 3, 2014

The Consultation appointment went ok and they have to take an X-Ray, which I completely understand BUT... its been 2 months since my consult and today I got a INVOICE/BILL STATING I OWE $102!!! I paid the $99 at the time of the consult and was NOT TOLD ABOUT the fee for the X-Ray, so I give them a call and ask about it kindly I might add, and the receptionist told me that she made us aware of the charge at the time of their quote for the procedure, which by the way is at LEAST $5000 more than anywhere I've been calling in OKC, so I didn't want to have them do the procedure due to extreme cost. So now that I did not make appointment for procedure, THEY WANT THE MONEY FOR THE X-RAY WHICH I NEVER RECEIVED ANYWAYS!!!! THATS JUST WRONG, she said she told me and my mother at the time, SHE DID NOT, then she said its on my information/paperwork, and SHE WAS EXTREMELY RUDE AND BASICALLY IMPLIED THAT I DIDNT READ THE PAPERWORK OR LISTEN TO HER!!! So now I owe them $102 and I have to use gas to go get X-ray. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND NOT GOING TO THAT BUSINESS AT ALL! THEY TREAT U LIKE A NUMBER AND THEN WHEN YOU DONT HAVE THEM DO THE WORK, THEY HIT YOU WITH UNTOLD CHARGES! COMPLETELY UNPROFFESIONAL!!!!

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