Taline Aghajanian

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6430 Richmond Ave,
Houston, TX 77057
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Taline Aghajanian Dentists

DI Rating 9.4


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Patient Reviews

By: Bill Hubbell
on February 8, 2018

Had my first Visit at Tuth Dental today, after being referred by my wife who highly recommended them. I am 46 years old and have had a few Good Dentist, the last Dentist I had was a bad experience, and in addition to making mistakes on a Crown I felt like I was talking to a Car salesman, everything was preframed to create a sense of urgency. Today I found out for the first time that I have bone loss in my jaw which is also periodontal disease. How no other Dentist could determine this gives credence to the saying “Just because a Dentist or Doctor has a license to practice doesn’t mean they know what they are doing as the practice on real people. Dentist and Healthcare providers that truly understand their Field is a far shorter list. Tuth Dental is the best Dental Experience I can remember having, and they went above and beyond to accommodate. Noticing how booked up Tuth Dental was I mentioned to the Dentist “Looks like you need more Hygenist and Assitants”. Her reply was “True; however I rigorously vet for the most qualified and I would rather maintain the Clients I have with my Employees that are proven, than take a risk on hiring someone that does not have what I am looking for”. I understand a little about the Dental Industry and hearing her reply illustrated that quality over quantity is her mission. Sir Francis Assisi said “A person who works with their hands is a laborer, a person who works with their hands and their mind is a tradesman / woman, and a person who works with their hands, mind, and heart is an artist”. Today I saw artistry in motion. Kudos to everyone at Tuth Dental. I wish more businesses operated half as good as you all do. Sincerely, Bill Hubbell

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