Cook Matthew William Jr DDS

Dentist Office In Houston, TX
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5200 Hollister St Ste 203,
Houston, TX 77040
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Cook Matthew William Jr DDS Dentists

DI Rating 7.3


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Patient Reviews

By: Chad Stafford
on July 20, 2016

Mr. Carlson practices with the most innovative approach in the gum arena as well as most all other areas of your dental needs. In my situation, he has been practicing laser surgery on my gums which is non-invasive and a way to avoid gum graft surgery (which is invasive and is likely to be much more expensive). Almost all my gum pockets that were up to between 5 and 9mm have all gone down to 1\'s, 2\'s and 3\'s (except for a few 4\'s that are still successfully healing). Research no further!

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