Joseph M Pruitt DMD

Dentist Office In Springfield, MO
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1324 E Montclair St,
Springfield, MO 65804
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About Joseph M Pruitt DMD


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Joseph M Pruitt DMD Dentists

DI Rating 6.3


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Patient Reviews

By: Courtney S
on January 24, 2013

I am a former employee of Dr. Pruitt, and was "managed" by his daughter Megan Pruitt, who typically sits in the front office with every phone line on hold, and does nothing other than read books on her cell phone and play on Facebook. Anyhow, this is by far the worst place anyone could be employed by. They are very rude to their employees, and seem to have issues with giving them their paychecks as well as cutting them on hours. Many times Dr. Pruitt has ran over my toes with his chair, which seemed to be on purpose, with no apology whatsoever. Megan is so highly unprofessional and does not have what it takes to run an office. She is rude and mean to the patients and employees and nobody likes her. She claims to be LDS, better known as "mormon", however she is the furthest from any good-hearted, kind loving mormon I've ever met! Very evil person, and it's time everyone knows just how she/he is. Also, I would advice you to not take your children to this office due to the uncleanliness, and they do not follow OSHA guidelines on sanitation!!!!!!!!!!

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