Rastede Dental Clinic

Dentist Office In Rock Falls, IL
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1311 Dixon Rd,
Rock Falls, IL 61071
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4 Out Of 10

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About Rastede Dental Clinic


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Rastede Dental Clinic Dentists

DI Rating 4.8


How Patients Feel


Patient Reviews

By: Nick Argento
on August 2, 2014

ZERO STARS!! Horrible dental practice. Dr. Rastede has zero communication skills. He filled a cavity that subsequently infected the same evening. There was no reason this cavity should have ever gotten so bad/ deep because I had been a patient of his for 2 years prior this event and had been having regular screenings/ check-ups. A specialist I had to consult with later stated a cavity as deep as mine should have been caught and treated as long as I was being seen regularly by a dentist, which I was. Also, the specialist complimented me on my dental hygiene, so it is not like I neglect my teeth -- floss and brush regularly. Dr. Rastede referred me to an endodontist in the QC after my cavity failed (horribly painful btw) to have a root canal, which subsequently failed because this endodontist did not find a fourth canal. She did not find the fourth canal despite having an expensive magnifying lens at her disposal to find all the canals... this is even the stated reason Dr. Rastede sends patients to her (ironic!). Then the tooth root cracked on re-treatment, meaning it was no longer able to be saved. Next, I needed to have the tooth extracted and an implant was highly recommended because of the location of the tooth. All told, it's been THOUSANDS (around $6,000) of dollars out of my own pocket despite being covered by MetLife dental insurance (this $$$ out of my own pocket was totally unnecessary had the cavity been caught on time). But the icing on the cake? When I left a message simply asking about the cavity after it had failed, I was told I was no longer a patient of their practice despite always being on time and paying all of my bills. I was kicked out simply for asking a question. This is totally unacceptable imo. Also, the dental hygienist I was regularly seen by at his office the year prior recommended I have a deep gum cleaning procedure where the gum flaps are cut opened, cleaned underneath, and resown. A periodontist (gum specialist) I consulted with about this procedure stated I absolutely DID NOT need this procedure, and that it would actually do much more harm than good in my case because some gum tissue is lost by the procedure itself and my gums were fine. Horrible dental practice. ZERO STARS (had to select 1 star to publish this review).

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