Suzanna Claudia Nemeth

Dentist Office In Bantam, CT
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710 Bantam Rd,
Bantam, CT 6750
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About Suzanna Claudia Nemeth


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Suzanna Claudia Nemeth Dentists

DI Rating 3.0


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Patient Reviews

By: Joan Tekula
on September 15, 2017

I was unfortunate to have had this dentist recommended to me when I moved into the area. She replaced a filling and did a poor job, (I remember she was having trouble even-ing out the bite and kicked me out of the chair prematurely because she \"had a patient waiting\"! I woke the next morning with TMJ and was right back in her chair to have the job completed), with incomplete filling that allowed bacteria to continue to get into the tooth. I spent a fortune trying to save the tooth, and ultimately had it pulled, $300, and then had an implant, $1200, and am now in the market for a cap, $2200-$2800 so far are the quotes. Because I had gone back to my previous dentist who discovered the incomplete filling and decay of my tooth, I asked him to look at the other 2 she had \"replaced\". These too were faulty and I paid this dentist to fix her work, thus costing me more unnecessary money and also weakening these teeth.There is a lot more to this story. In summary, buyer beware. It is easy to be a bad dentist.

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