Ala Moana Building

Dentist Office In Honolulu, HI
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1441 Kapiolani Blvd Ste 1416,
Honolulu, HI 96814
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Ala Moana Building Dentists

DI Rating 6.1


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Patient Reviews

By: Sang Hun Pak
on August 28, 2015

After visit paid all for my services, and I got bill after one month later saying I have remaining balance. Dentist Chun and his staff didn't kindly explain any of additional charges before or after my visit and when I tried to take care the matter with Dentist Chun and his staff but they were very rude and unprofessional, and he even threatened me to pay it or he will turn it over to collection. I strongly recommend and suggest NOT TO VISIT THIS DENTIST KIMO CHUN. USE YOUR VALUABLE MONEY WHERE IT BELONGS AND DESERVE YOUR MONEY~~~~!!! And few month later collection agency sent me a letter and Dentist Chun increase bill amount 30% more than what he was asking for~~~~!!! I DON'T KNOW ABOUT HIS DENTIST SKILLS BUT THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE REALLY SUCKS~~~~!!!

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