John W Carey

Dentist Office In Canton, GA
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4508 Holly Springs Pkwy,
Canton, GA 30115
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John W Carey Dentists

DI Rating 9.6


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Patient Reviews

By: Cary Barron
on November 17, 2017

Wow, What can I say Incredible Oral surgeon!! I had a tough tooth extraction ( not his worst) and implant done in the same day. Dr. Carey was able to answer my questions and put my concerns at ease. No matter how stupid you may think questions are, ASK HIM. Tell him what you maybe nervous or concerned about. tell him how you react honestly to certain drugs. Be open and honest with him so he can provide the top notch care that he is very capable of. He is a hilarious guy and will do what he can within his power to help you and put you at ease. If you do not understand something, he will draw it out or show you on a Xray, or a model. You You'd be doing yourself a disservice if you don't use him. I have seen a lot of Oral surgeons in Atlanta unfortunately. But I'd pay the premium if needed to use Dr. John Carey. He really is awesome and that is the truth. Thanks for the double dose of nova-cain Doc!

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