Zalesky Edmund Francis DMD

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497 Broadway Ste 10,
Bayonne, NJ 7002
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Zalesky Edmund Francis DMD Dentists

DI Rating 6.1


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By: Colie Oberst
on September 24, 2015

I work full time so being open til 7 is awesome. I had to mail a care package to FL so I got there at 6:20 and go to the window where "Cho" is staring out the window. She continued to stare so I said "excuse me" keep in mind I am always very polite. Cho seemed annoyed that i disturbed her but I showed her the bag of stuff and explained what I needed to do and attempted to inquire about pricing. Cho talked to me like I was an idiot and kept saying I was too late and pointed to the clock a bunch of times. She had a heavy asian accent so it was hard to understand her and instead of going about it a different way she just repeated it louder and louder and more rude. Now, I tried telling her I fully understood that it wouldn't be sent out until the next day, which i was totally cool with, but she insisted on continuing to point at the clock and mumble. So after a little more of her being extremely rude and disrespectful, I ask for a box and she came up and literally tossed it on the counter at me to the point it fell on the ground. She really must have been dying to get back to the view. At this point I was pretty annoyed and wanted to put Cho in the box and ship her to hell where she belongs. I seriously couldn't even believe I was treated like that right off the bat. I am always extremely polite no matter where I am. This lady was just miserable and rude. She has no business working dealing with the public. She ruined my day real quick and I am sure she has ruined others. I am going to make it my life's goal to bring Cho down. And on top of all of this I still didn't mail the package because she said it would be $40 to get it there in 3 days and $75 to express it. Mind you I was only mailing a pair of sneakers, a pair of slippers, and headphones. After reading the reviews i see that other people have experienced rude staff also so i doubt they will do anythjng about it... I'll make sure something is done this time. See you in hell, Cho.

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