Charles Adelbert Butler

Dentist Office In Arlington, VA
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2250 Clarendon Blvd,
Arlington, VA 22201
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4.6 Out Of 10

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About Charles Adelbert Butler


General Dentistry

Charles Adelbert Butler Dentists

DI Rating 5.6


How Patients Feel


Patient Reviews

By: Gaby Santaolalla
on October 27, 2014

I came in to see how much for fillings. English is not his receptionist's first language but he was pleasant to work with. Dr. Butler told me a needed a regular cleaning but barely spoke to me after this and disappeared often and for a long time with no explanation. His "office" in the Courthouse neighborhood was BEYOND small (a small cubicle with make shift walls?). The tool handles were rusty, Dr. Charles began applying a fluoride varnish before I could consent, and then his receptionist told me it wasn't covered by my insurance at check out. I made the mistake of telling Dr. Butler I had gotten an estimate from a different dentist so that he wouldn't offer me his own. He spoke as if it was a fact I was getting them at his office but said he needed the paperwork/info from the other dentist so that he would follow THOSE directions...CASH/check ONLY & I had to ASK for some sort of receipt. I would never recommend this dentist and location.

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